Initial thoughts After previously we got an idea of how we can haptificate our data, we started thinking about the possibilities of physicalizations. To structure the work we again set a goal for ourselves in form of the question that our prototype has to answer: HOW SOCIAL PHYSICAL INTERACTIONS’ EFFECT ON THE FEELINGS CAN BE… Continue reading Physicalization of Social Physical Interaction
Author: Omar Nada
Social Physical Interaction explored by the touch
Previous explorations Over the first weeks of our research, we tracked hidden data of how social physical interactions influence us and transformed it into 4 visualizations. And each member of our team ended up highlighting one particular aspect in his/her work – either feelings before and after, or the amount of interactions, or who initiated… Continue reading Social Physical Interaction explored by the touch
Social Physical Interactions
Introduction Physical interactions are part of people’s daily social experience that can have an effect on their mood without noticing. Physical interactions have a lot of hidden data that people don’t usually notice or keep track of. This data can be used to show some indications of a person’s social life which can be useful… Continue reading Social Physical Interactions