Prototype Creation-Revealing hidden Stress

Gross concept After working with our collected hidden data in our visualizations and haptification, we realized that we needed to reduce the number of variables in our physicalization, in order to obtain a clearer representation. We considered it would be better to overload one of them (using multiple encodings for stress, for example) rather than… Continue reading Prototype Creation-Revealing hidden Stress

Physicalization of Social Physical Interaction

Initial thoughts After previously we got an idea of how we can haptificate our data, we started thinking about the possibilities of physicalizations. To structure the work we again set a goal for ourselves in form of the question that our prototype has to answer: HOW SOCIAL PHYSICAL INTERACTIONS’ EFFECT ON THE FEELINGS CAN BE… Continue reading Physicalization of Social Physical Interaction


After the haptification of the lies, which we presented in our last blog post, we started to go into the physicalization. The goal of the phyicalization is to  add some technologies to our project, so that the prototype can change when certain input data occurs.  Coming from our haptification object, which we showed in the… Continue reading PhysicaLIEzation

Prototype to display Hidden Data – Group 3

Recap For our project, we focused on emotions that occur in an interpersonal relationship. To track these emotions we use text messages, in particular the Emojis which were sent to each other. Our conclusion after the research to find the right material to display the feelings was, that the connection between some substances and emotions… Continue reading Prototype to display Hidden Data – Group 3

Social Physical Interaction explored by the touch

Previous explorations Over the first weeks of our research, we tracked hidden data of how social physical interactions influence us and transformed it into 4 visualizations. And each member of our team ended up highlighting one particular aspect in his/her work – either feelings before and after, or the amount of interactions, or who initiated… Continue reading Social Physical Interaction explored by the touch

Basic Emotions-Haptification

The ability to express emotions is important for successful communication. However, it can be very difficult to communicate them and it can be even more difficult to haptificate those emotions. Nevertheless, their haptification enables us to explore them in a different way and eventually gain new insights on their occurrence. In order to find a… Continue reading Basic Emotions-Haptification

Haptification of hidden data in the context of data physicalisation – Group 3

Recap  Over the past few weeks, our project has been focused on exploring the nature of our emotions in our interpersonal relationships. We communicate very often via social media and we chose WhatsApp as the virtual space to explore. From the first deliverable, we decided that our hidden data would be the emotions and feelings… Continue reading Haptification of hidden data in the context of data physicalisation – Group 3

Data Haptification

Continuing our idea of the working environment as a source of hidden data we refined and developed several approaches to transform the  visualization of our data into haptic data. To do so we explored all sorts of possible dimensions and gathered many ideas for concepts that each member of the group brought forward. Moving forward our… Continue reading Data Haptification